Wednesday, July 27, 2011

4th of July Parade and Sparklers

I told Timothy to look normal for the camera as I thought a shot against the pretty night sky would look cool. Yeah--trying to get a normal shot of Timothy is tough. Notice, I didn't even ask for a smile. Just normal.

Hailey and Cowen. Sparklers are a very serious business.
Unless you're Emeline.

That's Dad training a horse (Rio??) and Timothy and Eli riding Maggie with Dandy (Apache--name depends on the person you ask) following his Mama.

This comes as no surprise to anyone who knows my mother well, but she stayed there with the kids the whole parade--coaching them on proper parade etiquette--ie, how to properly cheer, yell, and wave like a maniac.
Miriam's getting the hang of it.
Dancing in the streets is always acceptable as well.

Sebastian wasn't as taken with the parade as the other children.
Eli was very preoccupied with eating any candy he managed to get before the hordes of older children descended like vultures.
Elena had the princess wave down.
Cowen charms me. All. the. time.
Synchronized waving--it's the newest parade thing.
Mr. and Mrs. Expectant.
Lindsay doesn't always get Kami's humor, but at least Sterling tries to be polite.
A Study: Candy with Girl (Isabel)

Timothy, are you trying to hint at something???
Timothy's sister used to date this dude, so Timothy took a ton of pics of him. Duly catalogued in our family journal.
This little creature flew right onto Timothy's finger, so the next few minutes Timothy played with the macro abilities on our camera.
The rest of the 4th celebrations included eating lots of yummy food and playing ultimate frisbee in the flooded horse pasture. Nothing like manure to bring us all together and truly celebrate the country's greatness.

I had so much fun.

Thank you, Ethan, for donating clothes for me to change into. Thank you, Wyatt, for all your great ideas. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for letting us come hang out at your house.

1 comment:

Polly said...

RS Pres!!! Are you kidding me- with your and tim's schedule!!! What are you going to have to give up. I know you would be great it just seems a little crazy to ask this of a young mom. It would never happen in our stake- our stake pres. is very protective of young moms.

My new calling is Family History Asst. In our ward thais has been a huge calling (my dad's for the last 9 yrs) and the person they called to take his spot will probably not be here for long so I am supposed to be training with the idea that I will be taking over. I have a TON to learn. I told them I could teach any other class with my hands tied behind my back but this is a lot of new area for me. sigh. I was really excited about the upcoming activities with my old calling so I am having a hard time with the transition in my head.