Boys with sticks.

How boys move and stand like boys.

Patsy trying to see what is going on in the house.

Eli's smile when he notices the camera.

That dog food dishes are an important part of my children's toy arsenal.

Patsy's floppy ears.

That Patsy carries around a stick in the hopes that someone will throw it for her.


Little boy kung-fu faces.

That Wilson had been ignoring everyone until he saw Miriam. He knows who will pet him.

My children outside.

That my kids have dogs. It makes me feel like I've done something right for their childhoods, even if it's the only right thing.

This face.

Say her name, see the smiles, hear the laughing and growling and you'll be hooked on her for life.

Emeline, who spent much of today drawing monsters.

I also like that my children are in swimming lessons right now. Another good thing I've done as a mom. The oldest three are in the same class because I decided to hold Miriam back even though she passed her level last year, just to get more practice in. Saying that the girl squeaked out a pass would be understating it.
Then Emeline's class was canceled because not enough children registered. Fortunately, the three of them have the best teacher at the aquatic center. She said that Emeline has perfect form (Emeline's teacher raved about her last year too--guess she's got good form or something), and just lacks confidence and asked me to let her keep her because she thinks that she can improve Emeline's swimming more than putting her in the right class would improve Em's swimming.
So, the three of them are delighted to be together. Emeline's made a "new best friend" named Emily and Miriam has gotten in trouble several times for not being where she's supposed to be and Cowen is determined to "work harder" to master the mermaid stroke. So . . . all children are behaving exactly as expected and having a great time.
As for Eli, he is currently sitting on the top step and kicking his legs but refuses to do more than that. I'm sure he'll warm up to lessons as they progress.
Please please please put Lady Harriet in a comfy box and ship her to CA so I can bury my face in her neck and cover her in kisses and eat her toes. Pretty please with sugar on top.
I have enough boys with sticks around here.
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