No, Julie, the bookshelf did not help the state of my room. This was pre-Friday, when I spent a good portion of my day tidying my room. Then a lady dropped off church tablecloths and a few other things and it looked all cluttered again. Grr.

Kami is REALLY COOL and gave my kids an emu egg. The egg is the green egg thing Emeline is holding (will you eat green eggs and ham?).

This is the emu egg in the pan. The yolk is enormous as the baby emu chicks need to eat for longer because they incubate longer. Our findings: emu eggs are delicious!!! You should definitely try it if you ever get the opportunity. Yummy. They taste slightly different from chicken eggs, but still eggy.

Cowen is in charge of cleaning the kitchen garbage whenever necessary. I don't like garbages. They stink. Besides, Cowen likes to do it. I'm not sure why he has to clean in his skivvies, but whatever, man, as long as the job gets done.

Wilson is a good dog for babies. He's mild-mannered, loves to be petted, doesn't get all jumpy and in your face (like a certain Patsy-dog I know). Lady Harriet and Mr. Wilson were hanging out in the corner of the yard, happy and content, until the other kids noticed my camera and came a-running.

Then Eli and Harriet ate some dog food together.

Then Patsy came over and Harriet became alarmed. You can tell from the hand touching her hair. She does that when she's distressed.

I filled the flour bucket with a new 25 lb bag of flour so I could finish making bread. Emeline wandered into the kitchen to chat with me, didn't notice the lid was off the bucket and tried to sit on the bucket. Flour poofed everywhere. Emeline's face was priceless.
FYI: if your kids ever say they want to play, "Annoying Parrot" just tell them no. You'll have to tell them no three minutes into their game anyway. What could be more annoying then several small children trying to sound like annoying parrots??? Argh!!! Polly want a cracker? NO!!!
1 comment:
Polly hates crackers- stop asking already!
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