Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Eli's Vocabulary

Eli (3 yrs) to me today, after I put chapstick on him at his request: "I have boy lipstick but to me it still seems girlish. That's why I ate it off."

I need to tape him talking again. He seriously sounds like he's been smoking 50 years--very gravelly voice. Love it.

Don't love all the dumb things I've done lately. Too many to mention. Sigh.

In better news, it is only two weeks until Timothy and I get away for a long weekend to celebrate our 10th anniversary!

(Yes, we got married in December. We went on our honeymoon the beginning of May. Old habits die hard. Or something.)


Kami said...

I can't believe Eli is talking that much. Wow. Cute, too.

Marilyn said...

I'm seriously happy to discover this great site. Haha. Andrea, I have 1 billion questions I want to ask you about homeschooling. In all my poking around in your site though, I can't find your email address--can you send it to me? Mine is marilyn dot nielson at byu dot net.

Really though, it would be so much easier to talk instead of write. Want to come to dinner sometime or something? I know you live north-ish of us, but maybe we could work something out on a weekend. . . Well, anyway, just give me your email and we can figure it out then.