Tuesday, May 15, 2012

10th Anniversary Trip

 You might expect a post with the title "10th Anniversary Trip" to contain pictures of the actual trip.  Your expectations might not always be realized, however.  Like in this post. 

Timothy and I went to Park City for 3 days, and it was lovely.  Absolutely wonderful and very, very relaxing.  I didn't take my camera.  I wanted to focus on the relaxing thing.  However, I do have lots of pictures that are somewhat linked to our trip.

First, Lady Harriet loves Sweet Pea, the doll she got for Christmas.  Harriet always sleeps with Sweet Pea tucked under her arm, and it is so adorable.  I was worried that the babysitters would be lax in making sure Lady Harriet had Sweet Pea, but according to all their reports, Harriet was happy the whole time we were gone and slept fine and had her Sweet Pea with her.  *Sweet Pea is named Sweet Pea because she has a green pod that she slips into.
 I got my hair trimmed for the trip because I wanted to look fabulous, but, unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the cut.  I shouldn't have seriously derailed my growing out just for one weekend.  Such is life.

 Lindsay babysit for us the first day, and I did think to have her snap a picture before we left.  I'm holding a white bucket.  It has granola in it.  I made it before we left so the babysitters wouldn't have to worry about breakfast and so Timothy and I wouldn't have to worry about breakfast. 
 The rest of these pictures were taken by Lindsay.  Apparently she was impressed with the hair do she gave Miriam.  I like it too.

 There were loads of pics of Lady Harriet and Baby Ruth on my camera upon my return.  There were tons of cute ones and I felt compelled to post them all.

 Lady Harriet has very blue eyes.  Periodically my dad will look at her and say, "I wonder if this one is going to be blue-eyed?"  Ha ha. 

 There Kayli, Harriet isn't smiling.  She knows Ruth is a threat.

 Aww, cousin love.  Isn't it weird that the redhead in that pic isn't mine!!?  I think it is a little weird.

 Look for Ruthie!  Love that pic.
Love my Harriet.  Thanks for all the cute pics, Lindsay!!  And for watching my kids!! 


Kayli said...

Those pictures of Harriet and Ruth are adorable! And I think your hair is cute. Cuter than renee zellweger's. I'm glad you had a good time.

Lynn said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!

We got new furniture for our 10th. Wish we had taken a trip instead. ; ) Sounds like you had a fabulous time.

The Haws Family said...

I think the one where Ruthie is trying to steal Harriet's toy is funny because, look at their arms!!! Ruth's arms look puny next to Harriet's roly-ploy-oly arms! I love it! So cute!