Friday, February 15, 2008

Writing Conference

Guess what.

I just attended a real-life fantasy and science-fiction writing conference and met Gail Carson Levine (Ella Enchanted) and Brandon Sanderson (Elantris) and Orson Scott Card. And Orson Scott Card's wife, who is much more charming than he.

As Kayli says--my attending a conference clearing makes us official authors in the official sense of the word. I'm returning on Saturday to attend a session on fairy tales and one on publishing in the YA market where I am sure I will learn everything I need to know to skip all the rejection letters and go straight to tweaking the contract.

If Kayli and I stay on schedule you'll be finding out that we won the Newberry here pretty quick. Well, you know, after we finish writing the thing.

Which, by the way Lindsay, should be before May at the rate we're going. So--keep that in mind. Do well on your finals. Curl up with the second half of your book. Eat chocolate. Your life is good.

1 comment:

The Haws Family said...

Life is good...AFTER the finals. :). I can't wait, I am so excited!