Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A few pics

My kids busy writing poems. Eli thinks he's just one of the gang.
Writing poetry is pretty intense work--it requires gnawing on something. My children will use any excuse.
Eli learned how to climb out of his crib onto the change table. Fortunately, he still hasn't figured out how to make it all the way to the ground.
Timothy built our dogs a palatial dog house. Our children love it. For Brett, and others who might care about the design, the top lifts up. The bottom is insulated foam covered by clear plastic to protect the foam from puppy teeth. The whole thing is insulated for Utah winters.
Notice how Cowen dresses. Shirt neatly tucked in. Knife sheath attached in the back. Pant legs carefully tucked in to ridiculously high socks. Amazingly, he had on his runners that day. Usually "work" days always require his cowboy boots. Regardless, he's a strange dresser. But finicky and meticulous in his strangeness.
Working with Dad.
Notice Cowen's "work gloves." He thinks they are mandatory for all outside "work." The boy is hilarious.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Good times - working with dad. Anders is a strange dresser too - he thinks he has to roll all his pants up to capri length. If they are any longer than that they are too long. Strange boys.