Friday, August 30, 2013


I was laid out on the floor this morning, stretching, when Harriet pushed her face so close to mine our noses almost touched.  "Head, shoulders, knees, toes?"  I giggled. She loves that song.  Does getting closer to me increase the odds that I'll sing if for her??

While I was in the shower Emeline started yelling something.  I yelled back, "Wait until I'm out!  I can't hear you!"  Emeline said, "But it's very, very, very important!!"

Me: "What?"

Emeline: "Is Eli allowed to use a pin to close his shirt?  Because he is."

Yep, very important.

Eli's Sense of Humor:

I was handing out cups of water for the kids to use while painting today.  Eli says, "Thanks for the drink, Mom!" which is pretty funny for a four-year-old.  But then he chuckled with his raspy voice for the next few minutes and that was hilarious.

Cowen was getting a little crazy this morning so I said, "Cowen, go outside and play for ten minutes!"  And he said, "Can I get my vacuuming done instead?"  ??????

And now I'm going to go take care of some pears.

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