Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pictures from April 9 that never got posted

 I'm trying to catch up my blog sometime this century so I spent some time looking through my iphoto to ascertain just how behind I am.  It's pretty sad how far behind I am.  It is exceptionally happy, however, that I stumbled on these pictures and realized I hadn't blogged them.  They might have been lost forever!  A disaster narrowly averted.

I'm not sure that Cowen realized he looked sort of New Zealandish but I did.  I've always thought the boy should go to a very physical mission--either where the weather is extreme or the terrain difficult, or where the culture emphasizes a real physical masculinity.  New Zealand, Mongolia, the Ukraine.  I just can't picture the boy in France, for example.

Anyway, the boy looks awesome in a macho skirt.

 Love Harriet watching them.

Love Cowen's face.

Harriet deciding if she wants to participate.

 Oh yes, she does!

 Why is Emeline in that submissive position?  I can't remember what their interpretive dance was all about.
Harriet.  Love it.

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