Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scottish Lads and Lassies

Kami made all of my children Scottish outfits.  I'm so excited!!  We're studying the Middle Ages in school this year so we're going to use the costumes to make a William Wallace movie (Cowen already encourages us to call him William) and we'll use them for Halloween.  Thank you, Aunt Kami!!!!

 Everything fit perfectly except Eli's shirt. It is really, really tight so I let him go without a shirt for the pics.

 The lasses.
 William Wallace, himself.
 My favorite of the dresses.  Emeline looks so beautiful in blue!


 Harriet likes to copy Cowen's and Eli's fighting poses.  I'm intimidated.

 Kami's favorite dress.

 Don't mess with him.

 Debonair.  Looks more British than Scottish in that pic.  Too domesticated.
 Getting the youngest lad ready.

 Nothing cuter than a red-headed Scottish laddie.

 Except perhaps those curls.
Let me help with that.


Lynn said...

Auntie Kami is the best! Amazing costumes!

kami said...

Ahhhhh.....they look so cute!!! I actually love Harriet's dress the most--but then maybe it's just the curls! Thanks Ands for posting pictures unlike another ungrateful redhead in Switzerland!!!

Amy said...

Darling darling darling!!!

Will you come home-school my kids Andrea?! I wish their cirriculum was as robust, diversified, interesting and FUN at public school as it is at your house! Your children are SO lucky to have you as their mother.

Kami, the outfits turned out GREAT! What an excellent seamstress.