Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Few (Very Few) Halloween Pics

As everyone knows, Halloween is not my holiday.  I think costumes are too much effort and the only time my kids have cool costumes is when my hubby or sisters step in.  This year Kami made all my kids medieval Scottish outfits and so they all looked stellar.  I didn't manage to take pictures, but I did manage to hold Patsy's leash during trick-or-treating.

The whole dog dressed up like medieval Scottish person (dog) made me appreciate why my sisters always want to take their dressed up kids to well-lit Halloween parties to show off the costumes.  The few people who could see the kids and dog well enough to understand the theme were totally impressed.  Unfortunately, it was too dark for most people to get the full affect.

I, personally, loved watching my boys be macho with swords and kilts.  Awesome.  Kami--totally aunt of the year.