Sunday, December 8, 2013

Some Funny Things

I keep meaning to write down some of the really funny things my children have said lately, but life gets away from me.  I can't remember half the things I wanted to remember, but here's some of the funnies I do remember.

Earlier this week I told Eli to wake up Harriet so I could take the three youngest to a babysitter.  He went downstairs and came back up shortly and said, "You can have the pleasure of waking up Harriet, Mom, because she won't wake up for me."  Nice.

Harriet has taken to saying, "You're my only Mom," a lot lately.  Tugs at my heartstrings every time.  Yes, my dearest, I am your only mom.

Eli was talking on the phone to his cousin Isabel (age 4) the other day.  He said, "Is it dark in your world?"  Hee hee.  I'm pretty sure he was thinking that Isabel lives in Switzerland like some of his cousins do.  She lives in Texas.  I think the world would feel pretty dark for me if I had to live in Texas.  :)  (And just so you Texans don't hate me--I have nothing against Texas.  I just don't like temperatures above 60 degrees.)

Argh--there were so many other funny things.  Why can't I remember??  Maybe they'll come to me.

I would post a bunch of pics of Eli's birthday (he turned 5 today--I can't believe it), but I can't get my pictures to load to iphoto.  Grr.  Happy birthday anyway, Eli.

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