Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Today was lovely.  We made it to church mostly on time and the two speakers did an awesome job.  I loved their talks.  Then Timothy and I got to hold hands during Sunday School because the nursery only has two kids of legitimate age so the leaders in there don't mind my dropping off underage Oskar along with Harriet.  That brings the grand total of nursery kids up to three.  Our ward doesn't have many children in it.  Good for me though!!  I got to hold Timothy's hand for a whole hour!

I taught Relief Society for the first time and that went well.  The lesson was chapter 11 from the manual about the keys of the Priesthood.  I must have been reading during seminary because I totally missed the info about the keys of all the dispensations being given to Joseph.  I've had so much fun reading the Doctrine and Covenants the past two weeks learning all about it.

When we got home, I tried to make Noodle Co.'s Bangkok Curry recipe.  I got the recipe from the Noodle Co blog, so I thought it would be pretty close to what you buy at the restaurant.  It wasn't.  It was, however, delicious in its own right.  Fortunately, I bought enough of everything to make it twice this week in case tweaking was in order.  I'm figuring this recipe out because I love it so much.

After lunch, I encouraged children to do dishes and Timothy started playing this live-action fantasy game with Eli and Harriet.  Apparently there was a rat horde (or perhaps The Rat Horde) attacking and much fighting was necessary to repel them.  I sat on my beloved yellow chair (after my part of the dishes was done) and watched Timothy and Eli and Harriet shoot many, many arrows.  When that didn't kill all the rats, my brave band took to hand-to-hand sword combat (Harriet was especially impressive at imaginary sword play).  When the rats continued to maintain the upper hand, the three fighters called upon their wizardry skills to concoct--magically--large fire balls.  When that didn't work, Timothy put Emeline, the raw recruit, on his shoulders, and Eli and Harriet on his back so they could combine their powers and create a truly impressive fireball.

The Rat Horde was duly vanquished by the epic fireball.  Unbeknownst to Timothy and his band, the Rat Horde left behind a magic cup that turned whomever touched it into a zombie.  Timothy, of course, found out about the curse the hard way.  His hitherto faithful followers immediately understood that in zombie form, Timothy was to be avoided.  Much screaming and racing around the house in panicked hysteria ensued as all the children (dishes completely forgotten) tried to escape Zombie-Dad.

Eventually, one-by-one, the children were captured and themselves turned into zombies.  After everyone had been caught and the older children re-directed to the dishes, Timothy and Harriet had a long conversation on the couch in Zombese--characterized by lots of grunting and weird facial contortions.  It was hilarious.  One the funniest/sweetest things I've seen in my life.  Timothy making his famous faces at Harriet and Harriet totally focused on her dad, trying to make her sweet chubby face make similar faces.  All the while the two of them grunting happily at each other at various pitches.  What made it so perfect, though, was that Harriet totally understood what was happening and made it a perfect wait your turn to talk conversation.  Priceless.

Not too long after that, Timothy and I retired for our Sunday afternoon nap.  When the children refused to let us nap any longer, we re-emerged and Timothy entertained us by playing his guitar for awhile.  Then Timothy made caramel popcorn while I entertained the children by using the absolutely reliable pencil test to tell them how many children they would have, what genders, and in what order.  It was awesome.  I told Cowen it didn't work on boys but he was still mad he's only going to have four kids.  Emeline is going to have nine, Miriam will have seven, Harriet will have five, and Eli (although it doesn't work on boys) will have four.  Then we named all of my grandchildren.  Some of my darling grandchildren have gorgeous names--Miriam, especially, is a phenomenal namer.  For example: Violet Priscilla (one of my very favorites), Dove Maple (adorable), Derek John (I approve).  My favorite names of Emeline: Marigold and Stella.  The boys, however, stink at naming so some of my grandchildren will have terrible names unless my daughters-in-law step in.  Cowen's names: Asta, Toothless, and Hiccup.  All four of Eli's children had the word "Tooth" somewhere in their name.  Sigh.

Our baby naming was interrupted by Timothy finishing the caramel popcorn he made (sometimes he gives up on me making sweet things and just fends for himself) and distributing it amongst the troops.  Yum.

The rest of the night was your standard go-to-bed-now-before-I-spank-your-heiny routine.  Timothy made sure family prayer was said.  Then he did the dishes (thank you, Timothy!!) while I worked on our next week's scripture study.  And now, after doing some family history--did you read that part, Kami??--I'm going to bed.  It was a truly lovely day.

*According to the absolutely reliable pencil test, I'm having a boy.  Not surprising since I have a girl's name all picked out and absolutely no idea what to name another boy.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Good job on the family history!!! What did you do? Sounds like you had a wonderful day. :)