Wednesday, January 7, 2015

One of the Greatest Paragraphs I've Ever Read In My Life

Today Miriam's assignment in her grammar book was about unity in a paragraph and putting ideas in a logical order.  She had to practice by writing a paragraph about how you should clean your bedroom.  Here's Miriam's paragraph:

     Say your mom comes up and tells you to clean your room.  You have always kept it clean and tidy.  You have no idea how to clean your room, not having siblings to trash it.  Well then read on. Here is how you clean your room.  First, you get all your clothes off the floor, fold them up and put them away. Then, you get your toys, odds and ends, and put these back on the things they go on. Then, you make your bed. After that you get the vacuum, do your floor and arrange your furniture so it looks nice. After that you get mom, have her check it, then shut and lock your door.

Older sibling much?

The ironic thing about this paragraph is that I spent a lot of years as Lindsay's roommate, and she's a nazi about tidiness.  Therefore, I didn't ever lift a finger and my room stayed brilliantly clean and tidy.  Genius.  In defense of my laziness, Lindsay did tell me once to stop making our bed because she just had to remake it.  If that's the way you feel about it, Louisa Lou, I will sacrifice making the bed for your sake.  :)

As for siblings getting into my stuff . . . I didn't have any stuff.  I remember Amy getting mad at me a few times.  She didn't like me to read her books.


Kami said...

I remember you getting mad at me for reading your books. But that paragraph was pretty awesome.

Andrea said...

Kami . . . interesting how I don't remember that. Why were you reading my books? I'm pretty sure we had library cards. :)