Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My 36th birthday

Way back in January, I had a birthday.  My 36th birthday.  Baby Clover was one month old + one day, and I still wasn't quite back into life.  It didn't matter, though, that I didn't make myself a cake because somebody (I still don't know who!) in my ward dropped off dinner and a cake the night of my birthday.  That worked out fantastically because I didn't have time to make dinner for my kids because I was too busy picking up my sister, Amy, from the airport and taking her with me to Olive Garden where we met up with Kayli, Lindsay Ann, and my mom.  Talk about a party!  We laughed throughout the entire meal and then laughed hysterically while watching an episode of Miranda back at my house.  Timothy watched the kids--thanks, man.

Then on Sunday I celebrated my birthday again with the kiddos.  They went all out this year and my stack of gifts was as tall as Eli.  There were pictures and notes and poems and all sorts of treasures.  I loved it.  They were so excited to help me celebrate!!!

One of my favorite gifts from Emeline.  Love it.

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