Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Clover's Nursery

Timothy and I had Clover Leaf's room all decorated before her arrival, but her quilt wasn't quite done.  I wanted to wait and post pictures of it when her quilt was finished, which ended up taking . . . longer than I anticipated.  

Happily, the quilt was delivered recently and her nursery is complete.  It was so fun to decorate a room that was strictly the baby's!  (Although that isn't strictly true since it is the diaper changing station for all the children requiring such services.) 

 I love the fabric of her quilt.  It is so feminine.

 Where Clover sleeps.  My friend, Pepe aka Debora, gave me the stuff for the mobile and then Timothy put it together and hung it.  Pepe lives in California so it was hard for her to finish it completely and still get it to me.  No problemo--I have Timothy for all my crafting needs.  I love how it turned out so much!
 I painted the room pink and the trim white.  I meant for her room to be green and pink, but a lot of blues and turquoises made an appearance without my being able to stop them.  She was meant to be a blue girl.

My sister, Amy, gave me the shelf, and my friend Emily (a professional artist) raided her house and found me the do-dads to stick on it.  I bought the plants and the wall hangings.  Miriam hung the blessing dress there and I liked it so I left it.  If I had white crocheted booties I'd hang them too, but I don't.  The whole room felt like a group project, which is why it turned out so well!

 I bought the painting at DI and I love how it looks in her room.  That is the door that goes into my bedroom.  Clever that the nursery should actually attach to the bedroom.  The original owner had her bed in what is now Clover's nursery and put in the door so she would have quicker access to her craft room (what is now the master bedroom).  That's some serious crafting love.  I cannot personally relate.

There was a plant beside the change table for awhile and I loved it there, but it failed to thrive.  I'll be replacing it eventually with a hardier plant.

 It's an Emeline!
Clover with her quilt.

Special room for a special girl.  I loved putting it together and since it is the only decorated room in the house (which probably won't change for awhile) it makes me especially happy to go in it.


Kayli said...

I love it too! Although I think it would look slightly better if her dress were on a hanger hanging there instead of stretched across.

Pepe said...

I love it! Very feminine. Great job! (I'm still waiting for pics of your dining room.)

Becky said...

I love it!

Andrea said...

Kayli--that never occurred to me. I happen to have some baby hangers so I just went and changed it. It does look better, but it still needs something else hanging to balance it all out.

Lynn said...

I love how it all came together! Such love put into that room for a little girl.

Marilyn said...

It really is the darlingest of rooms. Lucky Clover!

Kami said...

I LOVE that room. It's even better in person. I think it's my favorite nursery ever of yours. And I'm glad you put the dress on a hanger. And I think you need to take close up pictures of the shelf and stuff on the wall and the mobile, because they're hard to see, and someday she might want a closer look at what they were. And I want a closer look at them again. And that is all. Goodnight and well done.