The result: Emeline went over and played in the stuff when I was in the kitchen making sandwiches. She then proceeded to touch her face and eyes. First I knew about it was when she came into the kitchen and said her face hurt. I thought maybe it was the chlorine (duh) and told her to rinse her face with cool water.
A minute later I heard ear-piercing screams coming from the bathroom. Kami, on the phone, said it was probably the pepper flakes (again, duh, on my part). I rushed to the bathroom. Emeline's face was a terrible purply - red all over. I hung up the phone and washed her face with soap. When I rinsed off the soap her face slowly started to turn back to its normal color.
Then, thinking that bread makes your tongue feel better, I made a past of coarse-ground oatmeal flour and put that on her. After a minute of the oatmeal she said her face felt better. Plus, she thought she looked so funny.
You might be wondering about the title of my post. Well, let me clarify. Yesterday was a rough, hormone charged day, and I called Lindsay to come babysit me but she was babysitting Megan's kids so she couldn't come. That was okay. I muddled through the day, more or less. But this morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I got the kids bathed and fed and Harriet down for her nap and then I went back to bed and hoped my kids wouldn't burn the house down.
A few hours later Lindsay knocked on my bedroom door (which woke me up, which is a good thing). She had come over to bring me two Symphony chocolate bars--the kind with the toffee, yum, because she wanted to cheer me up after my morose hormonal day. Seeing that I was still walking rather gingerly, Lindsay fed my kids lunch and cleaned up a little bit--for which I was very, very grateful.
Then Lindsay left and I tried to get the kids to help me pull the house back together. About 30 minutes later, I got a call from Lindsay. She was on her way back to my house to pick up my four oldest and take them back to her house for dinner and a movie.
Saint. Seriously, it was the nicest thing ever.
And so I stand by the statement I have made to Timothy numerous times: we have to have more children because my girls only have two sisters, and that is not enough sisters in a crisis. I need all five of my amazing sisters. Couldn't manage without them.
Thanks again, Louisa Lou.
I hope you are feeling better. Love you. Mom
Glad you had a sister close by.
Lindsay, you are the best. You were the instrument in Heavenly Father's hands to help Andrea that day. Way to follow the feelings and promptings you had. And yes, sisters are the best!!
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