Steady men.

Don't shoot until you see the whites of their . . . helmets.

Cowen had a Star Wars party. I'm sure I'm not giving anything away by telling you that. Even I know a storm trooper when I see one. But do you recognize the battle??

I made two cakes and iced them. I mean, put the dirt on. Timothy did the rest. Aren't his trees awesome!!! I mean the tall ones that he drew and designed and put together.

Notice the Ewoks on the platform. Cowen noticed. He and the kids oohed and aahed over this cake for a good 15 minutes.

The Wookie is my favorite. I think he's handsome. (Warf was my fav character in Star Trek--I'm noticing a trend. No, I did not watch Star Trek by choice but I had an older sister who was/is a trekkie.)

Cowen thought it was totally awesome that this Ewok was sneaking up on the unaware storm trooper. (Should storm trooper be capitalized??)

The kids also discussed the appropriateness of the robots hanging out way back away from the action because, "C3PO is a wimp."

Kami--a little Han Solo, just for you. You might also like that Cowen has started asking me constantly to watch Indiana Jones to, "Learn how to be a better explorer." Hmm.

The kids thought the Ewoks in the trees were perfectly placed to jump onto the enemy. I thought it was a little high myself, but then I'm adverse to excitement, danger, and breaking limbs.

Cowen invited three boys from his primary class--Tyler, Greg, and Vitty (real name Leviticus), and his cousins, Anders and Ty. Everyone came!

The guests were all impressed with the cake. So was I. Great job, Timothy!

Do you know what battle it is?
Wow!! Awesome cake. Love all the details!!
Sterling said it was the battle for endor, or the ewoks battle. He knew from the first picture. Haahaa
Brett said Battle of Endor too. And he said, "What the heck. That's a very amazing cake." And his eyes were very big. And he and the kids just watched some Star Wars last night, so good job Cowen.
i'm in love and crazy jealous at the same time...you guys are such amazing parents!
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