Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Dentist

I took my children to the dentist for the first time ever today. Yes, my oldest is four, and yes, I did just say the first time ever. I am good at many things--but taking care of my children's oral hygiene is not one of those things.

Therefore, I took my children to the dentist hoping that the dentist would turn purple when he saw my neglect then yell, wave his arms around, and in general rage at my deficiencies as a mother, a tooth monitor, and citizen of this great country. Then I would have the motivation I needed to do better in this arena of motherhood.

Instead, he smiled nicely, said my kids' teeth looked great, told me to bring them back in six months and handed all three of them a toothbrush.

That was it??!!!! HOW WAS THAT MOTIVATING??? Sometimes dentists really fall short of my expectations.


florascrap said...

I haven't taken Gracie to the dentist yet, either...shhh! :)


The Haws Family said...

Hey dudette, Megan came into my dental office today and it was kinda weird to clean my big sisters teeth. But she told me I did a good job---so I guess I can go ahead and be a dental hygienist!