We all had a great time at Camp Floyd. It was a beautiful day--not too hot--and Cowen was able to hold a real sword. He was in heaven. Ana and I had fun playing the hoop game and I went over and listened to the concertina for awhile. Lovely.
On the way home we stopped at Cabellas. That place is awesome!! My children decided the aquariums were "creepy" but they loved all the animals. Grizzlies are huge. So are moose. Amazing. I wanted to spend a ton of money at the shooting gallery, but Tim had no cash. Cowen got to try his luck because a random grandpa felt sorry for him and gave him some tokens. Cowen was mad, though, because he didn't do very well. Not surprising considering he could barely lift the gun.
On the way home we stopped and got cheddarwursts and watermelon and had a picnic type supper, followed by a family movie. We watched Blackbeard's Ghost, and Miriam only hid once. Good times.
When we were at Cabela's once waiting for Brett who was at the junkyard, a whole bunch of people gave the kids tokens for the shooting place too!
Ana's class went to Cabela's as a field trip. I thought that was a bit iffy. But whatever.
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