Eli is now 18 months (on the 8th). I can't believe how fast its gone. He is just as squishy and chunky and bear cub-like as Cowen was at that age. I could just eat him up! I LOVE to squish him, and play with his red curls, and listen to him make panting noises whenever he sees the dog, and chase him around the house growling.
I love it when Eli lays on top of Emeline and she can't get him off and they both start laughing their heads off.
I love how much Eli loves balls of all shapes and sizes. I love watching him throw a ball up in the air (not very high) and then catching it. I love watching him kick soccer balls.
I love watching Eli in the bathtub. If my children were animals, Eli would be some sort of fish. He loves to put his face in the water and blow bubbles. He loves to stand up and then sit down and make a big splash. He loves to crawl around the tub on his hands and knees, and then loves rolling over and splashing like a maniac. I've never seen a baby so fearless in the water.
I love, love, love his big blue eyes and perfect white skin and permanently pink nose. He's my Santa Claus baby.
In all ways, Eli is an absolute sweetheart.

PS--Kudos to the photographer at Target. It is hard to take pictures of a baby who cries when anyone looks at him. I should mention that Eli is very, very shy of other people. He likes his mom. His dad is tolerable--sometimes. Grandmas are iffy. Any unknown person he refuses to look at. Tim and I left him at the neighbors for an hour while we played tennis and they said he was mostly okay unless they looked at him or *gasp* talked to him. Hmm. As for nursery . . .. Let's just say that I've tried it a few weeks and it is a no go. Eli will be staying with his mommy for a few more months. I know what you're thinking about spoiling my baby, and all I have to say is look over the pictures again. Exactly. You would spoil him rotten too.
PPS--Timothy said I didn't pick the best shot (I got the package with the sixth picture down). I HATE trying to pick one picture. I was deciding between the one I got and the one with his finger in his mouth. Hard, hard, hard choices. The one where he's standing up is cute too. I told him to find his belly button. Aww. But, I like close-ups.
I gotta tell ya......all your kids are cookie cutter cute! Everyone of the Rasmussen clan seems to be. There some sort of magic cookie cutter for sure.
P.S. That severe shyness thing.....our Curtis had it too. Seriously. I completely know what you mean.
Now it's hard to believe.......but we can't get him to STOP talking non stop to other people. *sigh* He's 14.
Cute pics - I can't believe how big he is either!!!
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