The MAC is BACK!
Our new laptop charger arrived in the mail today so we are once again, thankfully, a two computer family and Timothy can't claim the greater need and steal the computer away to study. Also, I can now upload pictures without being distressed about pictures being on the wrong computer instead of safely in the iphoto folder of my choice pending future copying to a cd. You see, all is as it should be once more. Even better, you can once again see pictures of me and mine.

Emeline's hair is at that woeful stage of growing out where I wonder, especially on Sundays, just what to do with it. Before, I didn't have to wonder because there was simply nothing to be done.

We made a pulley for school and used it to lift numerous objects that would be easier to lift without a pulley. Such is the irony of studying simple machines.

He's still weird.

Why did I let him feed himself spagetti???

He doesn't know why either.
Stop! Why comest thou across the bridge? Knave, gettest thou back to thine own country and leave us in peace.
You wouldst challenge me??
Bring it on!

If you're cute and you know it, you're an Eli.

Timothy had the temerity to suggest a hair cut was in order. The man is clearly insane.

Becky has been making me curtains for my kitchen. Bless her.
Bohemianism, anarchy, and nudism!!And that about sums up what's been going on around here.
1 comment:
hello heather bailey! me likely. but you already knew that. wait till you see my new curtains...unexpected. also, eli has at least another 5 to 6 inches of baby curls to grow before you can cut it off. and no, i don't look back at luke's curly toddler mullet and regret a thing...they were so soft and pretty...okay, night.
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