A tale is told of two dogs: Phinneas the Short-Lived, and Wilson the Beloved.
Below is Phinneas the Short-Lived.

He was beautiful and silky to the touch. A joy to watch out the kitchen window, and lovely to pet.

But, Phinneas was a bad dog. And so, he was short-lived. Let that be a lesson to you.

Wilson the Beloved was also beautiful. Although his hair was coarse and not at all silky to the touch, it was red and that more than made up for it.

His eyes were a little freaky at first until one accustomed oneself to them, but gradually they became beautiful.

But, in the end, physical beauty did not matter. What mattered is that Wilson was a good dog.

He loved to let people pet him. And play with him. And pull his tail. And examine his ears.

Whenever his people were with him, he smiled his big doggy smile.

His big heart made his people happy.

And so Wilson became Wilson the Beloved. And he stayed. Let that be a lesson to you.
The End.
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