Friday, July 16, 2010


This first picture has nothing to do with anything but isn't he adorable?!!!!

I miss his pre-haircut days.

I watched Megan's kids one morning awhile ago. I live right by the swimming pool where Megan's five kids had swimming lessons, so it was easy (relatively speaking--I did have to get nine children to the pool and back in one piece) for me to watch them and take them to swimming lessons.

We had so much fun. Megan sent a bunch of cereal in individual sized boxes. My kids thought it was Christmas morning they were so excited. (Cereal . . . with sugar on it!!!) I looked at the boxes and decided they would be good for something so we saved them all.

Later that day, after swimming lessons, we made a town. The boxes were the perfect size.

Main Street was pretty happening.
The Shoe Shop was packed because of the awesome sale. I picked up three pairs for practically nothing.
Don't worry--the hold-up didn't last long, and then things calmed right back down.
The livery stable had an interesting array of horses, but they all seemed to get along fine.
Some of us spent some time on the lake, fishing and whatnot.
Good times had by all.

If you ever have a windfall of small boxes--they can be a lot of fun!