Friday, June 14, 2013


Today I was listening to Miriam sing while she cleaned the bathroom.  Her song was awesome.  I don't remember it all but it was about finding love and accepting others' differences.  My favorite part?

"I need to find someone to love me.  I need you to love me.  It doesn't matter that you have one blue eye and one green eye.  It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.  It doesn't matter!"  

So young men with one blue eye and one green eye -- don't worry -- because it doesn't matter.  It doesn't matter!

At supper (we had jammy oatmeal bars which followed after our very healthy lunch of popcorn--sometimes I amaze myself with my mothering skills), Emeline and Cowen were discussing a trip their dad had taken them on to a nearby protected marsh area.  I didn't go but apparently he kept making crazy assertions about what would happen to them if they should fall off the boardwalk into the water.  Things like being towed to the Great Salt Lake because of the crazy riptides, etc.  Then he would make scary noises when they weren't looking.  The kids were complaining about how scary he was and how they want me to take them next time.

Then Emeline said, "Yeah, Dad said if we fell in the frogs would eat us."  Then she started to giggle.  "That was the only funny thing he said.  Frogs wouldn't eat us."  More giggling.  "Mom, you should take us because girls aren't silly like boys and grandpas."

She has things figured out.

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