Sunday, June 16, 2013


I was sitting here daydreaming while feeding Oskar but when Miriam's song intensified I tuned in to what she was singing.  I have no idea what the whole song is/was about, but I loved the line: "He thought it was a ruse.  He didn't know I had a double."  ???  She reads a lot of mysteries.

Love that girl.

Now Oskar is fed and I must stop daydreaming and go finish getting ready to leave for my in-laws house for a lovely Father's Day gathering.  We're getting Patsy back from her Aunt Amelia who has had her the past three weeks or so.  She needed some remedial training on "come" and some other basics.  Amelia promised me a whole new dog.  :)

I'll decide.

1 comment:

Kami said...

No!!!! I thought we might actually have a chance this year, since no one else had good ideas. Ruff.