Friday, September 18, 2015


This summer I pretended to homeschool a few times.  On one of those days, we read a bunch of counting books and then had a competition who could gather items for each number most quickly.  Eli and Cowen were on the same team, Harriet and Emeline, and Miriam was by herself.  The whole activity was for Harriet's benefit but reviewing basics is never a waste of time.  I ended up taking pictures of the end result because I thought it was hilarious that Miriam had made rational choices based on size and ease of transport of her items but the boys just went crazy.

 Miriam's neat little piles of items.
 The boys thought eight musical instruments would be a good idea.
 More of Miriam's little collections.  Ten socks--it makes sense.

 The largest toys we own?  Doesn't make quite as much sense.  (I liked that they had a regular toy category and a separate toy gun category.)

 Twelve dirty clothes.
I love watching my children's brains working.  It is always different from expected.


Kayli said...

Hey, you got new things on your mantel since I've been there. Very nice!

Andrea said...

It looks different now. I keep playing around with it. I want a picture of Christ to go by the picture of the temple--but I don't have one that I like that much. I'll keep looking.