Monday, September 14, 2015


We let the kids watch McFarland, USA yesterday.  It is about a long-distance running team.  Afterwards, my boys put on pajama pants so they could roll them up to the very top of their thighs and run around non-stop.  I like that they captured the essence of the story: boys wearing very short shorts running a lot.

Today the kids are all outside (except Miriam, who is, of course, at school) playing pirates in the lovely drizzle.  It is so nice to get rain in Utah in the summer.  Can you have a boomerang with spikes?  That was one of Cowen's pirate weapons he told me all about at lunch.  I'm not an engineer but I wonder if spikes would change the aerodynamics of a boomerang enough that it would no longer fly away and return?  Maybe Cowen doesn't care about that? Maybe he just wants to throw something with spikes at people?

Oskar has added a very irritated tone of voice to his arsenal of vocalizations.  When he's irate with me he says, "Fine, Mom."  The tone is perfect but what makes it funny (in addition to his age, which makes most things pretty funny) is that he has to pause between the words and concentrate to say it correctly.  So you have an insulted and/or irritated two-year-old saying, "Fine . . . . . . . . . Mom."  Cracks me up every single time.

In other news, Miriam loves her school.  She has one class that is about environmental stuff and currently they are raising chickens, which is pretty cool.  The other kids love their homeschool/charter school program.  The boys are in karate and several art classes and Emeline is in dance and handcrafts and painting.  They also have an animal encounters class.  Last week they encountered snakes.  Better them than me.

Timothy is settling into his new job.  I thought we'd see him more, and some days we do, but he's been busy at the other house this past two weeks so that has been a bit of a bummer.  On the bright side, we had renters for a year before we had to fix a bunch of stuff so at least we have money in the bank to do the work.

Timothy was released from being Elder's Quorum president.  The Bishop has been sick the past two weeks so no new calling.  We could get used to that.  :)

And now I must go start the dishwasher and change the laundry over.  I like sitting here listening to the kids be piratey on the back porch, though.  They make me laugh.


Pepe said...

We drove through and stopped for gas in McFarland this summer. It's just like in the movie--middle of nowhere, going nowhere, migrant farm community. Hard to believe it coexists in the same state as LA and San Francisco.

Your kids are very cute!:)

Lynn said...

We just watched that movie this week also! Excellent. Well done.