Monday, September 14, 2015

Miriam Turned 12

In June, Miriam turned 12.  It is still hard for me to believe that I have a child old enough to go to YW's, but the fact is irrefutable.  Crazy.  Miriam wanted to cut and decorate her own cake, so she did.

Our dining room was this color for a few days.  Then I decided it was too dark and changed it.

Clover is so cute.

I wish I could remember more about the night.  I know that Miriam was super excited.  She had chicken pot pie for her meal.  I had planned some special pre-birthday activities, so her actual birthday was just a regular family party.  With the usual, and awesome, sibling excitement.

She received a Chinese brush painting kit.  The kids all love it because it came with little bowls wherein you mix your own ink.  Pretty cool.

Miriam's favorites:

Song: Brave
Activity: Hanging out with friends (particularly Gage)
Book: Doesn't have one
Food: Don't have one
Person: Elvis Presley
Hymn: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Story in the scriptures: the story of Ruth
Color: Blue
Subject in School: Erd kinder and college and career awareness
Loves: Young Women's program, reading, playing the piano, singing, playing on the computer, friends, not cleaning her room.

Love my girl!!!

1 comment:

Kami said...

POST More!!! Especially more pictures! It's fun to see your family/ And the dining room was too dark. But pretty color nonetheless.