Monday, October 24, 2016

Oskar (in his usual, measured, serious way): Mom, I want markers, not crayons.

Me: You're not allowed to color with markers.

Oskar: But there are a lot of them.

I start heading to my room to get the boy some markers (which I never do) and Emeline calls after me, "Mom, don't let his cuteness and charm get to you!"

Too late, sister, too late.


Marilyn said...

Why doesn't anyone like crayons?? I know markers are darker and they make a nice bold line, but I loved crayons when I was young. I've even gotten my kids nice crayons, the big box, and STILL they want nothing but markers! All the time!

kami said...

Oskar is cute. We have lots of markers out, but Sebas was cryingb yesterday because all the boy colors were gone.

kami said...

Oskar is cute. We have lots of markers out, but Sebas was cryingb yesterday because all the boy colors were gone.