Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hallmark movies and moose cakes

I just finished Lady Harriet's birthday cake. She wanted a moose. What the what?? Last year she had a reindeer cake. I'm not sure what is up with the antlered animal fetish. It took two Hallmark movies to finish it. Moose are big animals. They require a great deal of icing.

Speaking of Hallmark, recently I gathered my children together to help me fold the mountain of clean clothes heaped on the floor. (I am safe in admitting that as my mother isn't on facebook.) Miriam asked if we could watch a movie while we folded. I said no, and Harriet piped up, "That's okay. You'd only let us watch a walnut movie anyway." Walnut, Hallmark--they're practically the same thing.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Pictures lady. Pictures.