Monday, March 27, 2017


My parents took the kids this past weekend so Timothy and I could celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. Dad dropped his car off at my house so he could drive the kids out to his place in the van. When he arrived I already had all the kids buckled in the van. He opened the van door and I heard this chirrup of small voices yell out, "Hi, Grandpa!"
Then dad said in this mean, gruff voice, "Don't hi me. Only speak when you are spoken to and call me, 'Your Majesty.'"
Sounds about right.
When Timothy and I went and picked them up yesterday they all started yelling and trying to run away and hide. They had zero interest in returning to their home with their beloved parents. Only Annabel and Clover were happy to see me. I can't say that I blame them really.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Aw. It's sweet when kids love their grandparents so dearly! I need to hear all about your trip! Both trips! For goodness sake!