Sunday, September 10, 2017

Canada Trip: Uncle Monty and Aunt Melodie--August 1, 2017

I have VERY GOOD NEWS.  Red Rooster is now Red Rooster once again.  If you just felt a little bit of the cosmos that was out-of-whack slip back into place, you are not alone.  I used to sell cans and bottles that I found by the side of the road to Red Rooster and then promptly spent all the loot on penny candy.  Penny candy now costs five cents because there are no pennies in Canada anymore, but my kids sure had fun picking out a million five cent candies.  We took our candies and slurpees across the street to the park by the high school (where my dad taught), and enjoyed eating and playing and being in Cardston.  We drove by the temple and I talked about some of my important memories there, and then we headed to Uncly Monty's farm.

Eli said that Uncle Monty's place was his favorite part of the trip and Cowen said he was moving there--so I think it only appropriate that Timothy took a bunch of pictures while we were there.  I never pulled out the camera (oops), but Timothy managed to get pictures with both the camera and his phone, so we have a few.  Even the parts of the trip that weren't documented were awesome.  Like the blueberries that Brooke had from British Columbia.  They were the best blueberries I've ever eaten.

 Climbing the fence.
 Play house.
 Hanging out with Uncle Monty.

 Ashlee chillin' on the tramp.  You can see in this picture how dry it was that summer.

 I love Ashlee's landing.

 I love these pictures.  It was here, on this very farm, close to this very spot, actually, where I almost died.  We were racing horses--me behind my cousin Jared and my cousins Mindi and James on the other horse.  Whoever put the saddle on my horse didn't tighten the cinch effectively, so we were running flat out and our saddle started slipping sideways.  Jared tried to slow the horse and lean to the opposite side to right the saddle and grab me.  He was not effective in the grabbing me part.  I slid sideways and was holding onto the saddle for dear life.  My head was literally right under the belly of the other horse.  My brother and sisters thought I was getting kicked in the head and thought I was a goner.  I didn't die.  I didn't get kicked in the head.  Fortunately, the two horses both jumped away from each other right when I fell, so I didn't get trampled.  I rolled a few times and then jumped up to make sure I was alive, causing my cousin James to tell me that I should be a bull rider if I could jump up after a fall like that.  I was pretty scraped up, though, so I had to go to the house where I received NO SYMPATHY from ANYONE, and much harassment for falling off a horse.  I think Aunt Melodie got me some bandaids.

 Harriet had a rough trip all round.  Right when we disembarked at the farm, she got stung twice by wasps.  Ouch.


 Inside the house.   Uncle Monty was helping Aunt Melody because they were in charge of a family reunion (a Broadhead reunion) two days later and Aunt Melody was trying to do a lot.

 Now, this picture was taken a day later at my cousin, Leslie Sommerfeldt's, house.  I can't remember her married name.  They have a gorgeous little spread in Magrath.  The kids loved it there and Miriam and Alenna, Leslie's oldest, became best friends forever.  At our weiner roast, Leslie introduced us to these AMAZING cookies that have shortbread, caramel, and chocolate.  We stopped at the store on our way back to Derek's to buy several boxes.  Then we bought more before returning to the States.  And now they are just a distant memory.  *Sniff*
 Much driving of various vehicles took place.

 Hi, Leslie!!  Leslie and I were roomies at BYU for a summer and we bonded over stories about our mothers (who are sisters).  Good times.


kami said...

Ah, looks like fun. If your going to talk about cookies, we need the name so I can buy some next time I'm there.

kami said...

Ah, looks like fun. If your going to talk about cookies, we need the name so I can buy some next time I'm there.