Sunday, September 10, 2017

The rest of the Canada trip all mushed into one post

 Cowen and I have been working on the hiking merit badge all summer.  Cowen really wanted a Canadian hike in his merit badge workbook, so Brook watched the younger four kids one day while Timothy and I and the oldest four went back to Waterton.  We went on a ten mile hike called Snowshoe that started at the bridge at Red Rock.  It wasn't a hike as much as a meandering stroll through gorgeous pine trees.  It was perfect for the group we had, and I loved it, even if it didn't reach any high scenic overlook type places.

 This is pretty much what the whole hike looked like.  We ran a lot of the way back and were silly and had a good time.  No bears were spotted.

 There were lots of pretty wildflowers and wild berries.

 One day we went into town (Taber) and bought more Canadian goodies.  Karlee and Ashlee came with us.


 We spent a lot of time in the new van, so it is only fair that it shows up in a lot of pictures.

One night we went to a Rasmussen part that Aunt Judy planned.  It was mostly Prince's there, but also some Livingtons and Rasmussens.  It was fun to see some people and Miriam made fast friends with Kyle (her second cousin? first cousin once removed?), my cousin Devaney's oldest son.  They are the same age and are both musicians.  We went to the Taber indoor pool, which was awesome.  The kids loved it.  It was way smaller than the pools we are used to but it had way more awesome toys--and Derek and Tyson to throw kids around a little bit.  We played lots of Codename, and went on a few runs (Derek went on lots of runs), and relaxed a lot.  Brooke made several food items that I hadn't tried before and they were delicious (zuchinni cut up in hunks then baked and then covered in butter and parmesan cheese--yummy!), green beans just steamed with butter and salt (I know, I know--but I almost always use green beans to make one of my favorite Asian dishes, so I'm not used to simply eating green beans).  They were delicious.  Clover, thankfully, overcame most of her dog terror because Pretzel is such a chill out dog.  Once in awhile Clover would get scared and say, "Don't bite me!" but other than that, they cohabited beautifully.  Since our trip, Clover hasn't been terrified every time a dog is in sights.  Thank you, Pretzel!  The kids watched movies and played video games and played outside and jumped on the tramp, and we tiger ice cream and poutine and Coffee Crisps and Big Turks, and it was just fantastic.  I want to go back!!!!

1 comment:

kami said...

Pretzel was the dog that made me think I could get a dog and have it indoors. Sadly, there is only one Pretzel.