Monday, April 6, 2009

Cave Man Cowen and Techie Miriam

Tonight, while we were eating our family home evening treat, Cowen was punching the air and explaining to me that, "I need to eat and then fight and stab someone!" Sometimes, he sounds like a neanderthal and I am reminded of the many jokes about men being very simple creatures. Eat, fight, bug mom about when you get to go to fencing lessons.

Today I opened the laptop to check my blog and Miriam read "macbook" out loud and then said, "I like windows best." What?? I told Timothy tonight that Miriam knew more about technology than me and he scoffed. Then I told him about the other day when Miriam wanted to watch a video instead of a DVD and I asked her if she knew how to put it in and she said, "Oh sure, you just match up the colors and push the button until the tv says video three." Timothy had to give me a little demonstration before I figured out how to play a video.

I told Timothy all that and about the windows comment and he put his hand over his heart and said, "That just warms my heart." Yes, Timothy, we all know you're a little bit of a techie nerd. It's okay though, because you're hot and don't wear high waters, and keep your essential nerdiness hidden from the general populace. And you're hot.

If Miriam turns out to be a techie nerd ballerina harpist--I'm okay with that.

For family home evening tonight, Timothy turned the time over to me for the lesson and I made up this pretty decent lesson right then on the spot. I got my big bowl and had the kids pick something that was very precious to them that was small enough to fit in the bowl. Then, I explained that Timothy was a Roman soldier and had him take their precious things away. You have to love little kids--they were really mad that he took them away. Then I said that we had to leave but Timothy would guard our precious things. You see where I went with it, I'm sure. Me and the kids sat on the stairs while I talked about how we cried all night because we missed our things and Miriam made fake crying noises the whole time (you have to love that girl). Then we left the stairs the "next day" and asked Timothy if we could see our precious things (a little false doctrine there, but I was making it up as I went along, so I didn't pre-plan it with him), and when we looked our precious things were gone!! The kids were outraged! Miriam got it--when I asked her who were were pretending to be she said "Mary." Fantastic. Then we talked about resurrection and it ended up being a really lovely evening. With a treat at the end.

Last week we didn't have a treat and Timothy complained. The conversation went something like this--
T: "Why didn't we have a treat?"
A: "I'm on a diet."
T: "President Hinckley said you're supposed to have a treat for Family Home Evening."
A: "Then we're not having Family Home Evening."

Timothy was apparently not in a joking mood.

A: "Fine! I'll make you a family home evening treat. I didn't realize my diet was getting to you so much--it's only been going on for a week. Sheesh." (That last part was in my head.)

When I told Kayli this story she told me this saying: "Give a woman an inch and her whole family goes on a diet." Ha ha.


Lynn said...

LOL! Good one Kayli.

Great FHE idea. You are so smart. I can't think of anything that quick.

Megan said...

Amazing what a teacher can come up with on the spur of the moment.

I love what Kayli said. So true.

And I also love the convo between you and your husband. I grew up with FHE treats and thought that was kind of the point of it, but hubby doesn't agree. Doesn't even eat the treats so I stopped with it. sad.