Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Little Walk in our New Neighborhood

We had such a great day today.  Last night Timothy brought home a few bags of library books that I had put on hold for the next two school units: knights and life cycles.  I pulled out three of the books today and announced to the children that it was time for science.  Science is a magic word around these here parts.  My kids went ballistic when they saw the covers of the books (they were about the life cycle of sea turtles, butterflies, and salmon).  Much shouting ensued.  "We're finally studying animals!"  "Can we grow the sea monkeys?"  "When are we dissecting?"  "Are we getting butterflies again?"  "Why didn't you get books about bears and wolves?"  Etc.  Phew.

Reading the books taxed my patience because my children already *know* so much about all three types of animals because of Wild Kratts ("Are we going to watch Wild Kratts sea turtles again, Mom????) and Diego.  I finally had to put my foot down to get them focused on the life cycle aspect of the reading.  I love it when they get out-of-control excited about school.  

 Then, for lunch, the kids voted for Yorkshire pudding.  I couldn't find the recipe we usually use so I looked it up again on allrecipes.  While browsing for our normal recipe, I found one that used muffin tins instead of a 9x13 pan.  It looked like fun, so I whipped some up.  The kids thought they were amazingly cool and when we put chokecherry jelly on the top they looked like tarts.  Much enjoyment had by all.
 Miriam went to her first Activity Days meeting in our new ward and had a lovely time.  They cleaned the chapel, which I thought was a great idea.  I love it when leaders get kids doing service.  Miriam had a great time and said that all seven girls were very nice.  Awesome.

Cowen had pack meeting ?? (is pack meeting where families are invited or is that den meeting?) tonight and got the flag football belt loop.  The treat was fruit snacks, so that made me happy.  I never buy the things but if I ever did I am now fully converted to Motts brand.  Very yummy.  The kids all enjoyed cheering for Cowen and running around the cultural hall.  I was impressed that the leaders had the boys help with the chairs.  I hate it when adults do all the work and don't expect kids to help.  (And yes, I always make my kids help when I'm there to see what is going on, but I like it when other adults reinforce what I think is important.)
 The best part of the day, however, was the walk we went on when Timothy got home from work.  We stuck Oskar in his backpack and took off up the street.  The above picture shows you how far we are from the foothills--it is about a 10 minute walk from our house.  And yes, pictures of the house are coming.  I just have a few more boxes to unpack and I'll give you a tour.
 Timothy is so yummy when he's surrounded by kiddos.
 Cowen with Patsy and Miriam, far ahead, with Mr. Wilson.
 The view looking west.
 Ahh.  Ten minutes later we were here.  My new backyard.

 The paved part goes around a little corner to a small parking area.

 Can you see the Ogden temple??
 There, I zoomed in for you.  I can't wait until the temple opens.  I've missed my temple!!
 Great-looking bunch.
 More of my backyard.
 The temple from a spot a little higher up.
 Timothy teaching the children (and me) what poison ivy looks like.  I'm glad he taught us, but the children were convinced the rest of the walk that the dogs were contaminated and every time a dog brushed against a child hysteria ensued.  Harriet kept saying, "I get poison island!"

 Too cool.
 Must get in on the photo-op.
Nothing is yummier than a man willing to carry both babies.  :)

When we got home the children were hugged, kissed, diapered, and sent to bed.  Then I checked in with Mormon Women Stand's facebook discussion of women and the priesthood.  They posted one of my very favorite quotes:

Elder Ballard said, “Our Church doctrine places women equal to and yet different from men. God does not regard either gender as better or more important than the other. ..When men and women go to the temple, they are both endowed with the same power, which is priesthood power. … Access to the power and the blessings of the priesthood is available to all of God’s children.” 

I think it is so unfortunate that women (and men) don't treasure the priesthood power given to them and strive to utilize it more fully.  I'm including myself in that general indictment.  

So that was my day.  I'm off to bed now--glad that the kids and I had a good day and feeling more peaceful and grateful now that a summer of such blessed days are ahead and the worst of the routine-less moving days are behind us.  


Kayli said...

Oskar looked so cute in the picture where he's looking up from the backpack! Nice backyard. Talmage started asking me if we're going to decide to move there.

Andrea said...

Great idea, Talmage!!!!!!!

Marilyn said...

Gorgeous! I've been waiting for pictures and these do not disappoint. So happy you're there and (getting) settled. Hooray!