Friday, October 20, 2017

Kitchen Update--from tonight

 The bar Timothy made (have I mentioned that Timothy is amazing??!!!) pre-epoxy.  It now has its first layer of epoxy and tomorrow will get a second and third coat.  Then it just has to harden.

 Timothy was reorganizing his toolbox after Cowen and Nick went through it to find tools to pull up tack strips and then Baby One and Baby Two got into the tools when I wasn't paying close attention.  When I did finally pay attention, they both had screwdrivers that they were holding upside down and using as microphones.  I know, you're thinking *I* gave them that idea, but it wasn't me.  Timothy sang into a screwdriver/microphone first.  There are so many reasons I love that man.
Another view of the bar because I am just that excited about it. 

1 comment:

kami said...

More pictures please of house remodel.